SCHOOL GUIDE 2024-2025
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Involved parents 

Parental/guardian involvement

ISE highly values the home-school partnership. Home-school partnerships help teachers develop strong relationships with their students and motivate parents to cooperate with teachers to improve academic performance. It also creates opportunities for parents to learn basic teaching concepts while learning with their children, and get to know others in the community while contributing to the school by volunteering. Children of parents that are actually involved in their child’s education achieve better results at school. Good co-operation requires good communication and a joint involvement in the child’s education and development by all parties involved. By stimulating parental involvement we create a better foundation for the children’s development. It is also the school’s task to stimulate activities that encourage parents to come to the school and be involved.

Activities involving parents and the school include:

  • being a class-parent
    lending a helping hand/providing assistance to the school at various events, e.g. Cultural Week, Sinterklaas, Carnival, Christmas celebrations, sports days, etc.
  • volunteering in the library
  • providing assistance in the classroom  e.g. assisting with projects, reading with students, presenting to students as part of an IC theme, etc.
  • participating in the thinking and decision-making process via the Participation council (MR), the School Board, or joining the Parents’ Committee

Communication about the education programme
Proper communication between parents/guardians and teachers is of crucial importance for all students. Contacts are maintained in a variety of ways.


For the Foundation Group and groups 1 and 2 there is virtually daily contact with the teacher during the drop off and pick up of children. It is always possible to make an appointment to discuss in a more quiet setting the behavior and/or progress of your child in these groups.

Information Evening

At the beginning of the school year parents are invited to a general information session. It is organised by the group teachers. This session enables you to meet your child’s teacher and to get insight into the ins and outs of the workings of your child’s new group. It also provides you with an opportunity to ask questions. This session is not meant for discussing individual student matters. We organize other parent-teacher meetings for this purpose. You will receive  written invitations to attend these meetings.

Meet the Family Meetings

At the start of the school year new parents are invited to a meeting to meet the class teacher and share information about their child.  The aim of the meeting is for the class teacher to get to know the child and their parents and for parents to share their expectations.

Parent Meetings

Twice a year, the parents of all students will be allocated ten minutes to discuss the progress of their child. This will be after the first and second report. If you feel it necessary to discuss your child with the teacher or the foreign language teacher outside this ten-minute period, it can be arranged. To ensure that the teacher has time, a request for an appointment should be made with the class teacher.


The parent newsletter is published monthly. This contains a wide range of announcements and information. You will also be kept up to date with current information via email and ClassDojo.

The joint leadership team regularly sends out an update to parents with announcements and general information related to specific school events.