SCHOOL GUIDE 2024-2025
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School hours

School hours

08:25 – 15:30  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

08:25 – 12:30  Wednesday

10:00 – 10:30   Break

12:00 – 13:00   Lunch break (not on Wednesday)

Late arrivals to class are very disruptive and we therefore ask that you ensure your children arrives at school on time.

08:25 – 15:30   Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

The Start and End of the School Day

Children are permitted to play on the school playground or can wait together with their parents until the first bell rings at 08.25 hours. The school’s playground is supervised as of 08:15 hours. Once the bell rings, the children line up neatly in rows. They are then greeted by their teacher and walked to their classroom. When the second bell rings at 08.30 hours, school starts. In case of rain the children wait in the cafeteria area until it is announced that the children can go to their classes. Children in the Foundation group may enter the group together with their parents between 08.25 and 08.45 hours, but parents must leave by 08.45 hours. At the end of the day (or morning session), the children can be collected from the classroom door.

The following rules must be adhered to on the playground:

  • The school playground is supervised during the 15 minutes prior to the school’s start time and during the breaks.
  • The children shall not leave the school playground during school hours and during breaks
  • Bicycling on the playground is not allowed.

The following rules must be adhered to when children enter the school:

  • The children should wipe their feet.
  • The children should enter the school calmly.
  • The children are not allowed to enter the school with roller skates, inline skates or roller shoes.
  • The children walk calmly, without running, to the coat hooks /lockers to hang up their coats / store their bags and enter their classroom.

To promote quietness in the school and to allow teachers to fully focus on their students or other tasks, accompanying parents should say goodbye to their children in the playground. Only the exchange of urgent, brief information to the teacher is permitted before school. There is more time after school.

Parents of children who arrive persistently late will be required to come to a meeting with the Head of Department to discuss how the matter can be resolved.

Students in groups upper foundation – 4 leaving the school at the end of the school day are accompanied by their teachers. We ask that you wait in the playground until the bell rings if you are picking up your children. In addition, you are requested not to bring any dogs into the school or onto the playground. The school also maintains school rules that govern the students’  behavior in the groups and in the school building. Our rules have been developed by the team and the students and are included in the information folder provided to each teacher and substitute teacher.

Many children are brought to school and/or picked up from school by car. This can create unsafe conditions for the students. When driving your car on our campus, we ask that you slow down, drive carefully and  strictly adhere to all traffic rules.

Facilities and Cafeteria

Students and parents have access to a school cafeteria which is run by an external catering company. The cafeteria offers daily healthy options ranging from sandwich rolls to warm meals.  Parents can set up their child’s student card in order to provide credit for them to be able to buy items from the cafeteria more easily. Please note that the cafeteria does not accept cash payment.

Lunch Arrangements

The children are expected to stay at school during the lunch break, except on Wednesday.

Students in Upper Foundation, Groups 1 and 2 are expected to bring a packed lunch to school. Children in groups 3 – 8 can either bring their own lunch to school or buy lunch in the cafeteria. The Lunch Club is a group of volunteer parents who coordinate supervision during the lunch break (12:00 – 13:00). The costs associated with this outsourced arrangement are paid for by the parents/guardians and are included in the school fees. Milk is freely provided by the school.  The school promotes healthy eating and requests that each child brings at least one piece of fruit to school each day. We are a nut aware school.  Students are not allowed to have nuts in their snacks or lunches and this includes peanut butter and nutella.


Holiday schedule 2024 – 2025 can be found here.